As we age, our stem cells decline in their ability to heal our bodies.
Imagine if we could activate our stem cells and reset them to support wellness and health.
This would boost vitality in a completely non-invasive, safe and cost-effective way.
Join Dr. Staci Holweger for a live Q & A on stem cell phototherapy
every Tuesday night live on Zoom.
(This is an online only event - we will not be meeting at The Healing Center)
5pm pacific
6pm mountain
7pm central
8pm eastern
Link -
Bring all of your questions!
Guests welcome!
For more information, contact Tonya at 231-629-1667
or visit our LifeWave page by clicking here
Kathleen Sherman is an intuitive psychic reader and author who uses many psychic modalities to help guide you in your life, by giving loving messages and guidance to help refresh, heal, and uplift your body, mind, and spirit. Kathleen does this by tapping into spiritual guidance from the Divine, connecting with loving Angels, spirit guides and Source.
Kathleen has many years of experience professionally using her natural psychic abilities including
psychic mediumship (connecting with passed loved ones),
psychic abilities (knowing or sensing past present or future information),
medical/body intuitive (a knowing or being able to visualize and work on healing physical and energetic issues within the body and energy body),
Reiki Master
(Energy Healing), and
natural shamanic healing
and seeing abilities. Kathleen also accesses the
Akashic Records, which hold information of each lifetime and experience of past and future lifetimes.
Kathleen’s Certifications include:
*Advanced Medical Intuition Certification.
*Certified professional master life coach including life purpose, happiness, and shamanic life coach certifications.
*Certified master hypnotherapist and hypnotist, and certified past life regressionist.
*Certified Reiki Master-Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Private 30-minute or 60-minute sessions are available with Kathleen by appointment.
The cost is $50 per 30-minute session, $100 per 60-minute session.
Appointments are limited, and spots will fill quickly.
Call 989-352-6500 to reserve your appointment with Kathleen!
Jamie VanDam will discuss the energies and patterns playing out in March. The main discussion will be on understanding the connection between the brain, organs and emotions. We will review and practice muscle testing on ourselves and a partner and then do some releasing on our organs.
The price of the class is $25.
Payment is due prior to class.
Call or text Jamie at 616-889-2070 to register.
Jamie VanDam and Tonya Nichols will be leading the class, which will consist of teaching, discussion, and then table work. The focus will be on working with some of the main meridians to help with flow and balance in the physical body and can help the body release the flight or fight response.
Participants must be certified in Reiki or some other healing modality with experience working on others. This class is intended to give practitioners more experience and a chance to receive healing work as well as to give it.
The cost of the class is $25.
Registration is required prior to class.
Text Jamie at 616-889-2070 or Tonya at 231-629-1667 to register.
Payment is accepted prior to class.
Join us for our semi-annual Mind Body Spirit Expo!
We have a great line-up of psychic/intuitive readers as well as bodyworkers/healers. Our readers are Joan Cranmore, Jewel Shelden, Fran Falan, Paula Engelman, and animal communicator Julie Hirt. We also have massage therapist Ulla Polinski, sound healer Mary Fields, and craniosacral/reiki therapist Jamie VanDam.
As always, Foot Detoxes are available by appointment or walk-in.
You may book your session in advance or at the door.
If you want to guarantee a session with your favorite reader, or bodyworker, call 989-352-6500 to book your session today!
Intuitive Readers
Joan Cranmore - Channel for the Angels, Intuitive Card Reader, and Reiki Master. Joan will be offering Angel card readings that will bring forth loving messages from your angels.
Fran Falan - Psychic Medium/Channel for spirit. Readings include past lives, deceased loved ones, and future events that impact your highest potential.
Paula Engelman - Psychic Medium, Channel & Astrology expert. Paula is a unique reader who can channel, read the Tarot and Oracle cards, and also look at how current astrology is affecting your soul growth and life path. Paula can connect with your angels, guides, and loved ones to give you information and messages. She can read your energetic field and use a pendulum to suggest oils and crystals that could be beneficial to you.
$50 for 30 minutes with the above readers
Julie Hirt - Soul Level Animal Communicator and Soul Level Intuitive Coach. During a Soul Level Animal Communication (30-minutes) reading, you can ask your animals (alive or in-spirit) any question you’d like. You’ll also learn how your pet, whether alive or in-spirit, is working with you for your own growth and expansion.
Mini Animal Communication sessions (15 minutes) may also be scheduled.
Julie will also be offering readings with your Spirit Guides to learn how you can move forward in any area of your life. Guide Team sessions will be available for 30 and 15 minutes.
$30 for 15 minutes or $50 for 30 minutes with Julie
Jewel Shelden - Palmistry, Psychic Card Readings, & Spirit Messages. Jewel will be offering intuitive messages, palm reading, and aura scans for health issues.
$35 for 20 minutes with Jewel
Bodyworkers/Energy Healers
Mary Fields - Sound Healing $50 for 30 minutes
Mary is a Certified Integral Sound Healing Practitioner using frequency and vibrations to bring the body back into homeostasis. Gentle sounds that induce the clearing of stuck energy can naturally help many conditions including the following: relieving pain, stress, tension, anger, fatigue and depression, while increasing the sense of spiritual well-being. Her reiki style of insightful communication allows the client to ignite a personal connection with their energetic self and find their healing light within.
Jamie VanDam - CranioSacral/Reiki/Channeling $50 for 30 min
Jamie VanDam is a certified Upledger CranioSacral and Reiki practitioner. Jamie can help you release restrictions in the body to bring it back into balance and address the emotional or mental pattern stuck in the restriction. A lot of upper back, neck, and head issues have presented themselves as we are opening the upper chakras. Jamie can look at the lesson that is challenging you at this time and also help you tune into your guides and angels that are working with you as well as giving you a channeled message to help you navigate current issues.
Ulla Polinski - Massage $45 for 30 minutes
Ulla is a Licensed Massage Therapist trained in medical massage therapy with knowledge of the structure, function and movement of the human body, and musculoskeletal disorders. She is skilled in light touch and deep tissue massage, medical massage, relaxation, Swedish massage, and prenatal massage.
Foot Detoxes $25 for 30 minutes
Taught by Jamie VanDam and Tonya Nichols, this Reiki Level 1 & 2 Practitioner Training is a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands-on experience. Practice includes learning how to feel energy, giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, performing Reiki on yourself, practice using all level 2 symbols and the distance healing methods, and Reiki I & II attunements.
You will receive a Reiki 1 & 2 manual, along with additional materials in the form of hand-outs. You might also want to bring something to take notes on. Lunch will be provided (soup and salad). You are welcome to bring your own snacks. Please let us know if you have any food allergies, and we will do our best to avoid them.
While practice takes place during the class, it is expected that you will set aside additional time to practice after the class is over. Please commit to this additional time to practice Reiki on yourself and on others. You can practice on your classmates, members of your family or friends. This additional practice is necessary to gain the experience and confidence you need to fully utilize your Reiki training.
Cost is $300 per person. This includes your manual.
Please call Tonya at 231-629-1667 or Jamie at 616-889-2070 to register for the class.
A $50 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of registration.
Please RSVP early to save your spot.
Space is limited.