
Bioenergetic Scan

Restoring Balance with Frequency

Your body possesses an innate intelligence—a built-in system that governs every bodily function and maintains overall balance, or homeostasis. This intelligence relies on neurotransmitters, hormones, and pH balance, all of which depend on essential resources such as clean food, pure water, fresh air, emotional well-being, healthy relationships, regular exercise, and effective stress management. When these resources are abundant, the body's systems can communicate seamlessly, allowing it to sustain balance and optimal health.

However, our modern lifestyles, often filled with stress and inadequate nourishment, can disrupt this delicate balance. Additionally, factors such as heavy metals, mold exposure, parasites, and unresolved emotional trauma can further impair the body's communication pathways. When these disruptions occur, the body may begin to exhibit symptoms of disease—a signal that something is out of balance and requires attention.

This is where a bioenergetic scan can play a vital role. A bioenergetic scan facilitates communication with the body's innate intelligence by sending frequency signatures into the body and measuring its responses. The responses are analyzed to identify any disruptions in the flow of information within the body's systems. Once these imbalances are detected, a personalized energetic imprint of balancing frequencies can be created to help restore communication and support homeostasis. When balance is restored, the body's natural ability to heal will function optimally.

Some of the benefits of a bioenergetic scan include:
  • Safe and non-invasive comprehensive scan
  • Allows the body to guide the healing process
  • Safe for everyone, including pregnant women, children, and animals

"Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." 

Albert Einstein

"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well."


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

 Make an Appointment

The initial appointment is 90 minutes for $200   and includes the following:

  • 4 Scans - Comprehensive, General Support, and 2 additional scans determined by your body's specific needs.
  • Testing of your current supplements to determine if they resonate with your body's frequency. 
  • An energy balancing imprint to address the imbalances found on the scan

Follow-up appointments are approximately 1 hour at $150.

Remote sessions are available via phone or Zoom.

Appointments are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Dr. Tonya Nichols will perform the scan. See her Bio here.

Call 989-352-6500 or text 231-629-1667 to schedule your appointment.

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