
Bioenergetic Scan

The Future of Health is Frequency

The AO Scan™ is a 9D non-invasive bio-resonance device that measures Vibrational Frequencies within the body. Over the past 20 years, more than 120,000 healthy Vibrational Frequencies have been isolated, identified and cataloged. The AO Scanner  has the capability to detect abnormalities in various cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body by comparing the client's frequencies to this database of healthy frequencies .  

During the initial scan, a graphic with numbers 1 through 9 display to show whether the cells are in an optimal (5) or critical (1 or 9) state. The AO Scan then performs a second scan to help balance unhealthy frequencies by offering the correct frequency. Like a tuning fork, this helps the unhealthy frequency to resonate at the correct frequency and hopefully hold or maintain that correct frequency.

Another function of the AO Scan™ is the Inner Voice. Our voice can reveal emotional imbalances that may be connected to our overall health. Inner Voice has the ability to analyze the voice and determine areas of imbalance. After recording the client's voice for 10 seconds, Inner Voice then focuses on the three notes that are excessively out of balance, meaning they are being over-compensated for, as well as the one note that is being most suppressed. It then generates music with underlying notes that help to balance the notes that are out of balance.  After the session, the client will receive an email containing this music. If listened to daily, the music generated by Inner Voice helps to harmonize everyday life by improving concentration, creativity, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, stress management and interpersonal relationships.

Some of the benefits you can expect with the AO Body Scan
  • Safe and Non-invasive comprehensive scan
  • Simple method of measuring the health state of the entire body
  • Detailed visual health status of the organs, systems and tissues of the body.
  • Can identify future health issues early for preventative care
  • A 24-page report clearly defining areas that need to be addressed to optimize your health 
To purchase your own AO Scan™ for home use, click here. For more info, click here.

Issues the BioScan Can Address

  • Allergies / Sensitivities
  • Bacterial Diseases
  • Blood Panels / CBC Report
  • Reproductive Function
  • Hormones
  • Bone & Muscle Condition
  • Cardiovascular Issues
  • Chakras
  • Heavy Metals
  • Viruses
  • Vitamins / CoEnzymes
  • Digestive / Gastrointestinal Function
  • Fungus / Mold
  • Genetics
  • Immune System
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Major Organ Function
  • Parasites
  • Thyroid Function


The AO Scan™ is intended for educational use only. The information from the scan is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition

 Make an Appointment

The initial appointment is 90 minutes for $200 and includes the following:

  • 4 Scans - Comprehensive, General Support, and 2 additional scans determined by your body's specific needs.
  • Testing of your current supplements to determine if they resonate with your body's frequency. 
  • An energy balancing imprint to address the imbalances found on the scan

Follow-up appointments are approximately 1 hour at $150.

Remote sessions are available via phone or Zoom.

Appointments are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Dr. Tonya Nichols will perform the scan. See her Bio here.

Call 989-352-6500 or text 231-629-1667 to schedule your appointment.

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