Blog Post

Fear no Fruit

lemaster • Sep 25, 2017

By Bob Huttinga – Unfortunately I have had to say this before. I have been promoting information that I now believe to be inaccurate. Many times I have told people, especially folks who desired to eliminate some weight or people who were diabetic, to avoid fruit.

It appears that his information is simply not true. The concept of eliminating fruit from the diet comes from the popular advice to eat a lower carbohydrate diet. I still believe that low carb diets are beneficial especially when referring to foods made from grains, refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup.

Pure raw fruit, especially when grown organically, is one of the best foods on the planet. Fructose is the main sugar in fruit. Our body does not make an enzyme to digest fructose, so I was taught that it was hard to digest fructose. This is true when the fructose has been extracted from the plant and made into products like high fructose corn syrup and Agave Nectar (high fructose extracted from the starchy roots of yucca plants). But when the fructose enters the body in the form of a raw fruit, it can be quickly absorbed in the mouth and first part of the small intestine, and the enzymes to help digest it are actually found in the fruit itself (cooking and canning fruit destroys these enzymes). Processed sugars can feed cancers, but fruits actually help prevent and heal cancers because they contain large amounts of antioxidants that neutralize oxidation. Oxidation promotes aging and mutations of the DNA in our cells.

The big problem with fruit, especially in diabetes, comes about when it is eaten with any of the grains in the grass family. These grains like wheat, rice, corn, oats, and more, contain gluten, gliadin, and agglutinin. They all interfere with our body’s ability to use insulin correctly. When we eat something sweet, insulin is released from the pancreas. Every cell in the body is covered with insulin receptors. These receptors act like a lock, and insulin (the key) fits into the lock and turns on the sugar pumps that carry sugars into the cells for energy. The unfortunate thing is that gluten and it’s buddies look so much like insulin that they can fit into the receptor sites, keeping the insulin out. When this occurs, sugar cannot be transported into the cells and blood sugar increases. To reduce the excess sugar, the liver converts some of it into triglycerides, which are then converted into fat. This is the main reason obesity is at an all-time high.

The grains in the grass family include the following: Barley, Bulgur wheat, Corn, Durum wheat, Farina, Fonio, Graham flour, Kamut, Millet, Oats, Popcorn, Pumpernickel, Rice, Rye, Semolina, Sorghum, Spelt, Teff, Triticale, Wheat, and Wild rice. These grains and foods made from them should be avoided because they are at the root of type 2 diabetes. The following “grains” and flour products are not in the grass family and therefore can be eaten: Amaranth, Arrowroot, Buckwheat, Chia, Flaxseed, Quinoa, Potato flour, Sweet potato flour, coconut flour, nuts, and some Ezekiel products (not Ezekiel bread, it is made from sprouts but has gluten added).

So you can see fruit is not the problem. When we fix the issues with the insulin receptors, fruit becomes one of the best foods we can eat. This information comes from Anthony William, author of Medical Medium. This book and its companion cookbook are very helpful to learn to make great tasting healthy foods. The books are now available at The Healing Center in Lakeview. I am not saying everyone needs to be a vegetarian, but increasing fruits and veggies in the daily diet is a must to create and maintain sound health as we move into a food future that is becoming more and more filled with processed foods and additives that are ruining our body’s ability to give us perfect health.

Put Your Health in Your Own Hands

By Dr. Tonya Nichols, PharmD, CEMP, CTC, CLS 20 Apr, 2024
I recently completed the Certified Lyme Specialist program through Trinity School of Natural Health, and it was very eye opening! Did you know that Lyme Disease is known as the "great imitator" because it mimics so many other diseases? Symptoms of Lyme are often mistaken for chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, ADHD, mental health disorders, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and pretty much any auto-immune disorder. Lyme can affect almost any part of the body even years after a tick bite, and on average people suffer for 5 years before being diagnosed. And ticks are not the only way the bacteria that cause Lyme are transmitted. Other insects as well as intra-uterine and sexual transmission may propagate the disease. To add to the confusion, a negative Lyme test doesn't mean you don't have Lyme; 56% of people with Lyme disease test negative using the approved testing system. Symptoms of Lyme may include persistent swollen glands, sore throat, fever, chills, sore soles of the feet, joint pain and swelling, numbness in arms and legs, unexplained back pain, muscle pain (especially in the neck and shoulders), muscle cramps in calves or feet, Bell's palsy, confusion, brain fog, headaches, mood swings, depression, disorientation, memory loss, anxiety and panic attacks, light and sound sensitivity, paranoia, vertigo, TMJ, fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome, and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). If you are struggling with any of these symptoms and can't find answers or don't know where to turn, I may be able to help. Contact me for a BioScan to begin your healing journey. Click here to learn more. *The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
a wooden table topped with towels , candles , rocks and a flower .
By proadAccountId-417647 03 Feb, 2024
Join us for our semi-annual Mind Body Spirit Expo! We have a great line-up of psychic/intuitive readers as well as bodyworkers/healers. Joan Cranmore is back, as well Jewel Shelden, Fran Falan, Paula Engelman, and animal communicator Julie Hirt. We also want to welcome back massage therapist Ulla Polinski and sound healer Mary Fields. As always, Foot Detoxes are available to give your cleansing program a jump start. You may book your session in advance or at the door. If you want to guarantee a session with your favorite reader, or bodyworker, call 989-352-6500 to book your session today! Intuitive Readers Joan Cranmore - Channel for the Angels, Intuitive Card Reader, and Reiki Master. Joan will be offering Angel card readings that will bring forth loving messages from your angels. Fran Falan - Psychic Medium/Channel for spirit. Readings include past lives, deceased loved ones, and future events that impact your highest potential. Paula Engelman - Psychic Medium, Channel & Astrology expert. Paula is a unique reader who can channel, read the Tarot and Oracle cards, and also look at how current astrology is affecting your soul growth and life path. Paula can connect with your angels, guides, and loved ones to give you information and messages. She can read your energetic field and use a pendulum to suggest oils and crystals that could be beneficial to you. Julie Hirt - Soul Level Animal Communicator and Soul Level Intuitive Coach. During a Soul Level Animal Communication (30-minutes) reading, you can ask your animals (alive or in-spirit) any question you’d like. You’ll also learn how your pet, whether alive or in-spirit, is working with you for your own growth and expansion. Mini Animal Communication sessions (15 minutes) may also be scheduled. Julie will also be offering readings with your Spirit Guides to learn how you can move forward in any area of your life. Guide Team sessions will be available for 30 and 15 minutes. $50 for 30 minutes with the above readers $25 for 15 minutes with Julie Hirt Jewel Shelden - Palmistry, Psychic Card Readings, & Spirit Messages. Jewel will be offering intuitive messages, palm reading, and aura scans for health issues. $35 for 20 minutes with Jewel Bodyworkers/Energy Healers Mary Fields - Sound Healing $50 for 30 minutes Mary is a Certified Integral Sound Healing Practitioner using frequency and vibrations to bring the body back into homeostasis. Gentle sounds that induce the clearing of stuck energy can naturally help many conditions including the following: relieving pain, stress, tension, anger, fatigue and depression, while increasing the sense of spiritual well-being. Her reiki style of insightful communication allows the client to ignite a personal connection with their energetic self and find their healing light within. Ulla Polinski - Massage $40 for 30 minutes Ulla is a Licensed Massage Therapist trained in medical massage therapy with knowledge of the structure, function and movement of the human body, and musculoskeletal disorders. She is skilled in light touch and deep tissue massage, medical massage, relaxation, Swedish massage, and prenatal massage. Foot Detoxes $25 for 30 minutes Call 989-352-6500 to book your session today!
money blocks sefi group begins january 1st and runs for 3 weeks cost $ 88
By proadAccountId-417647 01 Dec, 2023
Does making money seem to be difficult and/or exhausting? Does just thinking about money cause you stress and anxiety? Did you know that your subconscious beliefs around money, which are formed from past experiences, are largely responsible for how much or how little money you have? That's because your beliefs influence the frequency that you send out to the Universe. The Universe responds to your frequency, and only your frequency. If you are putting out a frequency of lack or not enough, then that is what you will get back. The good news is that you can change that by releasing your old beliefs around money. If you would like to see what addressing your beliefs around money can do for you, then join us for this Money Blocks SEFI Group. (SEFI stands for Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter, which is part of the AO Scan, and where the frequencies will be broadcast from). Dr. Tonya Nichols, Certified Therapeutic Coach, will be running the group and helping you to discover and release the blocks you have around money and abundance. What you get: 1. Three weeks of frequencies tailored to support your growth and expansion into a more abundant money mindset and vibration. This will be broadcasted from Dr. Tonya's AO Scan for 2 hours a day. 2. Daily affirmations and exercises to help you discover and release the subconscious beliefs that you have around money and abundance. 3. Support from Dr. Tonya within the group to help you with questions or concerns throughout the 3 weeks. The cost is $88 per person. The frequencies will be broadcast from 6pm to 8pm EST. The group begins on January 1st and will be run virtually with a daily playlist of frequencies, daily affirmations, and daily clearing exercises communicated through Facebook Messenger. When you join the group, you will be added to the Messenger group. You do not have to be available to "attend" the 2-hour sessions. We will send a message through Messenger that the session has begun and another message when it ends. You can go about your daily business. If you are available during the sessions, that is a great time to work with the daily affirmations and exercises that will be given. Otherwise, you can do the exercises at a time that is convenient for you. Payment may be made by Venmo to Or Paypal at After payment is made, please email Dr. Tonya at to let us know you have paid and we will add you to the Messenger group. For more information about Dr. Tonya, click here .
three rocks stacked on top of each other with the words mind body spirit written on them .
By proadAccountId-417647 09 Oct, 2023
At The Healing Center, we are continually working to improve and expand the holistic services we offer. That's why I'm excited to announce we have recently added Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy and Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Coaching. In the spirit of Mind Body Spirit health, we offer many modalities at The Healing Center to address not only physical health, but emotional and spiritual health as well because they are all connected. I have been doing Emotional Clearing with my clients for over 6 years now, and I am always amazed at the wonderful changes I get to witness in my clients as they let go of old emotional trauma. I get to watch people who have been shut down, stuck, and feeling lost and hopeless open up and really begin to shine their light and move toward the life they really want. Many also experience lessening of their physical issues as they begin to heal emotionally. But I have been looking for a more efficient method of clearing out stuck emotions and beliefs as I was beginning to feel a bit drained by the method I was using. I stumbled across the Clear Beliefs Method of Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Coaching last fall, and I intuitively knew that this was what I had been searching for. I enrolled, and after over 7 months of intense classwork and practice coaching sessions, I completed my certification in June. Since then I have been using this new healing modality with my clients with great success! It is amazing the changes that occur even in just one coaching session. My clients who have experienced my old method of emotional clearing really love the Clear Beliefs Method of coaching, and so do I! We have also added Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy, which is a safe, non-invasive therapy that consists of lying on a PEMF mat (fully-clothed) for 20 to 30 minutes. During that time, the PEMF mat emits earth-based frequencies that works at the cellular level and promotes micro-circulation and cell metabolism. This stimulates the regeneration processes of the body and eases pain and inflammation. In this way, it stimulates the body to heal itself. PEMF therapy can be used by people of all ages. It is most beneficial for the elderly or anyone suffering from chronic illness and/or has a diminished immune system. Regular use of PEMF therapy will increase your strength and stamina. For more information on Therapeutic Coaching with me, click here . For more information on PEMF Therapy, click here. Dr. Tonya Nichols is an Integrative Pharmacy Specialist, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Certified Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Coach. She is also certified in Past Life Regression and Spiritual Hypnosis. She has studied holistic nutrition, herbs and supplements, homeopathy, essential oils, and flower essences. She specializes in Therapeutic Coaching , Full Spectrum Healing , Past Life Regression , and BioScans .
incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control
By Dr. Tonya Nichols, PharmD, CEMP 24 Jun, 2023
Mind-Body-Spirit Health
a close up of a woman wearing glasses and a necklace .
By Tonya Nichols, PharmD, CEMP 14 Jun, 2023
Jewel will be doing Palm Readings on Saturday, June 17th at The Healing Center! She will be doing 30 minute appointments for $50. We have one spot left to fill at 1pm. If you have never had a palm reading from Jewel, you are missing out. Call 989-352-6500 to schedule with Jewel.
a woman is sitting in a lotus position on the beach at sunset .
By Tonya Nichols, PharmD, CEMP 24 Feb, 2023
Take time to take care of yourself.
a lotus flower is floating in the water with a rainbow of chakras coming out of it .
By proadAccountId-417647 21 Feb, 2023
Join us for our semi-annual Mind Body Spirit Expo! As always, we have a fabulous line-up of psychic/intuitive readers, energy healers, and bodyworkers to give you a day of insight, rejuvenation, and relaxation. We also have Foot Detoxes available to start your spring cleaning. You may book your session in advance or at the door. If you want to guarantee a session with your favorite reader, energy healer, or bodyworker, call 989-352-6500 to book your session today! Intuitive Readers Fran Falan - Psychic Medium/Channel for spirit. Readings include past lives, deceased loved ones, and future events that impact your highest potential. Joan Cranmore - Channel for the Angels, Intuitive Card Reader, and Reiki Master. Joan will be offering Angel card readings that will bring forth loving messages from your angels. Pam Leach - Spiritual Adviser & Psychic Medium. Readings will include messages from your guides, angels, and deceased loved ones to align you with your own inner joy. Diane Brown - Crystal & Stone Energy Channel. Diane will be offering messages of guidance from the elemental and spiritual realm of stones and crystals. $50 for 30 minutes with the above readers Jewel Shelden - Palmistry, Psychic Card Readings, & Spirit Messages. Jewel will be offering intuitive messages, palm reading, and aura scans for health issues. $35 for 20 minutes with Jewel Bodyworkers/Energy Healers Jamie VanDam - Craniosacral $35 for 30 minutes Leigha Bergers - Biofield Sound Healing with Reiki $25 for 30 minutes Tori Sellers - Massage $30 for 30 minutes or Organic Foot Therapy $45 for 30 minutes Foot Detoxes $20 for 30 minutes We look forward to seeing you there! We are excited to host these wonderful ladies once again! We look forward to hosting this event every spring and fall and always have such amazing participation! We are grateful for our community, and we can't wait to see you there! Sincerely, Mark & Tonya Nichols
a logo for the michigan department of transportation
By proadAccountId-417647 02 Nov, 2019
Bob Huttinga, PA-c, will be on vacation beginning December 26th, 2019, and he will not return until January 23rd, 2020. If you are due for your DOT physical in January, please call soon to schedule an appointment before he leaves for vacation.
the healing center is located on the corner of a brick building .
By proadAccountId-417647 25 Sep, 2018
Join us for a day of healing on Saturday, October 6th from 10am to 4pm! We have gathered together some of West Michigan's best intuitive readers, bodyworkers, and healers to provide you with a day of insight, rejuvenation, and relaxation. You may book your session in advance or at the door. If you want to guarantee a session with your favorite reader or bodyworker, call 989-352-6500 to book your session today! We will be giving away a free gift to the first 25 people to book sessions (to be given away after the session is complete). Intuitive Readers Fran Falan - Psychic Medium/Channel for spirit. Readings include past lives, deceased loved ones, and future events that impact your highest potential. Kay Bouma & Laura Briggs - Intuitives, Crystal Therapy, and Energy Translators. Kay and Laura will be offering Soul Alignments that will include looking into your past lives and retrieving messages that will help your current life situations. Joan Cranmore - Channel for the Angels, Intuitive Card Reader, and Reiki Master. Joan will be offering Angel card readings that will bring forth loving messages from your angels. Pam Leach - Spiritual Adviser & Psychic Medium. Readings will include messages from your guides, angels, and deceased loved ones to align you with your own inner joy. Ben Darga - Channeler of the Masters/Beings of the highest vibration. Ben will be offering one on one trance channeling sessions. Diane Brown - Crystal & Stone Energy Channel. Diane will be offering messages of guidance from the elemental and spiritual realm of stones and crystals. $45 for 30 minutes with the above readers Jewel Shelden - Palmistry, Psychic Card Readings, & Spirit Messages. Jewel will be offering intuitive messages, palm reading, and aura scans for health issues. $30 for 20 minutes with Jewel Bodyworkers/Energy Healers $25 for 30 minutes Jamie VanDam - Craniosacral Penny Lepley - Chair Massage Marian Bird - Acupressure Karen Hudson - Reflexology Tonya Nichols - Full Spectrum Healing (Chakra Balancing) We will also be offering our Spa Package , which includes the following services all for $50 ( this is an $80 value ) 30 minutes in the Infrared Sauna 30 minutes on the Migun Bed (Automatic Massage Bed) 30 minute Foot Detox Zyto Hand Scan to help determine the best supplements to support your body Meet Our New Practitioners! Beth Hansen, Certified Naturopath Beth graduated in 2012 from the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education in Mt Pleasant, Michigan as a Certified Naturopath and Board Certified Traditional Naturopathic Doctor. As a Traditional Naturopath, Beth believes that given the right circumstances, the body is meant to heal itself. Beth offers Naturopathic Consultations using noninvasive techniques such iridology, muscle response testing, and diet review to address your health and wellness challenges. She then makes suggestions which may include food, supplements, herbs or bodywork. Beth is trained in the use of homeopathics, nutritions, herbs and more, and enhances her knowledge by taking continuing education classes. Beth is available for Naturopathic Consultations on Tuesdays at The Healing Center. Cost is $60 for an hour or $89 for 90 minutes. Please call 989-352-6500 for an appointment! You can also meet Beth at the Mind, Body, & Spirit Expo ! She will be available all day to answer your natural health questions and help with your supplement selection. Karen Hudson, Certified Reflexologist Karen is a certified reflexologist and has experience in many holistic therapies. We are excited that she is now offering a variety of these services at The Healing Center. She is available for the following therapies on Tuesdays: Reflexology- $30 per half hour Face Cupping - $15 for 15 minutes Face Cleansing/Exfoliating/Limited Lymphatic - $30 for half hour Scalp Invigorating Manipulation - $15 for $15 minutes Body Tracing/Connecting/Linking (Finds links between physical and emotional trauma) - $60 for 1 hour Manual Lymphatic Drainage - $60 for 1 hour Karen will be offering reflexology at the Mind, Body, & Spirit Expo ! Joanne Rivette, Reiki Master, Ordained Minister Joanne is now available for Reiki sessions on Mondays at The Healing Center. Reiki is a gentle, noninvasive touch that promotes healing through stress reduction. It helps to clear the way for your own body's life energy or "Ki" to flow serenely through your body and nudges you to remember your own personal "inner healer". A full session is approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. The cost is $50, but for a limited time, Joanne is offering 1/2 off your first session. That is only $25! Call 989-352-6500 to book your session today! Thank you for your support! This will be the 3rd expo (formerly known as the Healing Health Fair) that my husband, Mark, and I have hosted since we became the new owners of The Healing Center. We are so grateful for your continued support and look forward to many more! Sincerely, Tonya and Mark Nichols
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